Friday, December 31, 2010

The Day Before The New Year 2011

It has come!  Not just the blizzard, but the day before the calendar year turns to 2011.  What have I learned about the nature of things?  I have learned that I don't get what I don't ask for or focus on.  That goes both ways.  I also tend to get what I am focused on consciously or unconsciously. Did I scramble your brain?   Try this,  I'm not mindful about what I am focusing on, then that is what shows up-exactly what I did not want.  For the most part I have been very, very focused on my work with horses and people.  I have created amazing opportunity's to work with mentors and teachers and be able to give that knowledge back to my students and clients.
2010, year in review boasts major accomplishments and lifetime opportunities or me.  One of my most profound so far was working with Pioneer horsewoman Carolyn Resnick, with my horse at her ranch this summer as her working student.  It gave me not only a more affirming and profound way to work with horses, but it also gave me the vital focused time to work with my horses Sebastian daily while I was there. (Sebastian is my 17. 2 hand Percheron/ Thoroughbred horse) .  What a pleasure to reinvent our relationship through Carolyn's method.)

As 2010 draws to a close I bid it farewell.  I am grateful for my dear husband Chris,  and all of my supportive family, clients and friends who support me in the work I do.
I forgive anyone who has wronged me and I ask or forgiveness from anyone I have wronged in any way.  I rest now and repose as Iget ready for 2011 which will be my best year yet.  How do I know that it will be?  …Because I am focused, attuned and asking for that. That’s why.   Namaste and Thanks for reading.  Respectfully, Lila

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